Sunday, November 10, 2013

11-10-13 - I'm back from the mountains!

I've been home for two whole days now, and I'm just now getting back to my work routine. I may post some really awesome nature images that I took while up in the Smokeys (believe me, some are actually wallpaper worthy for you scenic/nature lovers). I captured some wild life, including some closeup of deer and an actual bear! (in the wild, not in some silly petting zoo)

Anywho, for now I'll be trying to get my mind back on Spikes Quest. I literally took a vacation from the project while I was away. Time I cracked my knuckles and got back to coding. Yay.

Friday, November 1, 2013

11-1-13 - Grappling Hook Mechanics hurt my brain. '''e.o

Been busy trying to get the mechanics of the grappling hook item to work. So far you can latch on to objects and be pulled over towards them / pull them towards you

And right now, I'm trying to apply swinging mechanics to it.

Plenty of maths to consider in this situation. Everything from angles, speed, distance, etc

yes, my brain really does hurt right now... :P

Not much to show on this mechanic atm, but I'm hoping very soonish!

On another note, I'll be going on a six night vacation to Gatlinburg with my family. I might not get much work done on the game during that time. facts to be, I might end up taking that vacation time as a much needed break from it. of course, I'm a bit unpredictable and I may end up doing a few small bits of code here and there when not much else is going on.

This is my first time going to the mountains though, so chances are, I might be out and about with my 3D fujifilm camera taking pictures of all the major sites.

I dont leave util the 3rd, so I'll use these next two days to get some work done ^^;