Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I've been pretty busy helping family out on a new home (we're actually kinda building one entirely from scratch from the interior) :P
So while digging a new septic tank hole [manually with a shovel, mind you], moving large stacks of lumber around the yard piece by piece, and getting myself covered with insulation fuzzies, I've honestly have been feeling a bit sore and pretty much discouraged from working on any of my projects.
I'm still determined to work on Spikes Quest and all its side projects, but until I get more time and more room for focus on the project then things will eventually get back on track.
On the bright side, my uncle is paying me off with a brand new [and a very powerful] computer with a four core processor and a top of the line graphics card. A nice tool that may yet benefit Spikes Quest as well as a few other endeavors. :)
I'll try to update more often.